Dancing with ShecyPearls Summer Wedding March
Free shipping for order over US$75, when order over US$99, you will get beautiful pearl jewelry for free, and at most six exquisite gifts can be obtainable to add sparkle to your wedding.For the redemption, shecypearls provides amazing promotions for order over US$75 you can redeem specified styles at special prices. One piece redemption only per order, don’t missing! Just add a little money, the pearls you get is a real bargain!Shecy Pearls( http://www.shecypearljewelry.com/) is a leading pearl jewelry supplier since 1994. We offer our clients high quality pearls and best service after sales. Since 2006 we’ve provided online shopping on www.shecypearljewelry.com.Article Source: Dancing with ShecyPearls Summer Wedding March.At this summer wedding season, ShecyPearls is playing a summer romantic wedding march for you. From July 10th to July 20th. We specially selected several over-value styles for brides and bridesmaids to redeem at special prices; only US$5 you can get a pair of pearl earrings. And more exquisite pearl jewels will send free for orders to certain amount.For the free gifts giving, every purchase of certain amounts will get free attractive gifts accordingly.